Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Boys and grandboys!

Having five sons and soon to be three grandsons provides for unlimited observation of "boy bravado." As a girl or middle-aged woman depending on the moment, it is with unending fascination that I watch these disarming forces of nature. Girls, I can relate to pretty quickly on most levels, boys... let's just say the more insight, the better. We have a fairly interesting range of personalities within our brood, from in"vin"cable (Vinny)and Christopher to reflecting and sensitive Alex. Luke and Zach are a lot alike in that they are both first born guys. Luke arrived after nine barren years so the first born moniker applies and he has jumped quite naturally into the role. They are independent, confident and able to scale small buildings in a single bound. They just seem to succeed at everything they try, excepting self-government. Why is that? I think that overconfident bravado may be too much self. Yet, I can see that this has it's advantages and significance in a boy's tool kit.
We kinda laugh at the fact that Vinny was born to swagger... he also exhibits first born qualities in my estimation. We have video of he and Gianna (his twin) toddling around. Her little feet just twinkle across the floor as she hardly brushes the ground. Vinny, shoulders hunched forward, a determined grin looks at though he is at football practice about the hit a dummy full might employed. As scripture states that a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches... we should have considered that Vincent means "victorious conqueror." So far he has conqueroed all territory within his five-yo range and melted our hearts as well. Not bad for the 5th son of a 5th son...

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