Friday, August 27, 2010


Constantly distressing news assaults our spirits these days. From tainted food supply to rogue countries and their nuclear arms endeavors it is rare that we get a real, actual nugget that show some sort human restraint! Individuals seem to have a much less egregious approach to life since they are often simply surviving, but when we collectively, as a government or corporation, we delve into ethical and moral implications the decisions are often deplorable. But, today I am encouraged. Wrote a book and in the middle of it's sequel exploring the dangerous slippery slope of patenting human genes. The U.S. patent office has come out officially and stated that they will not, until further notice, patent any more human genes!!! GO U.S. Patent Office!!! Still, the word "more" in that sentence is a bit unnerving...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

life with kids

"Humbirds!" Our 2yo Mariclaire loves the hummingbird feeder recently installed on the dining room bay window... and apparently so do a few "humbirds." Just have to express my unending surprise over joy caused by my children's discovery of nature. The simple and mundane, the common are not when experienced through their eyes. Perspective is everything and blatantly I ride the wave of my children's fresh and enthusiastic embracement of every form of life they encounter. Worms, wriggling tubes of enthralling adventure... okay, I did think, poor worm, hurry, wriggle away.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Garden Experiment 2009

Garden experiment 2009

Organic Gardening

Having experimented somewhat successfully with organic square foot gardening and companion planting last year...for pest control used Nasturiums, marigolds and Garret's juice. (2 tbslp. minced garlic, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 4 tbsp liquid seaweed must apply every time it rains, but effective against a whole host of problems.)
Expanding garden this year. Here is a pic from last year's. My green beans, red and yellow bell peppers, romaine, kale, spinach, mustard greens,tomatoes,zuccini and cucumbers all did pretty well considering the fact that we planted in a place where due to trees, it only got 4 hours sun a day. Pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupe... not so much. rotted before they could get ripe. Moved to new location in yard will get 8+ hours now!
Fall garden didn't really pan out as this was an extremely cold and snowy year here. Did have 1 kale, 1 swiss chard, 1 sugar snap pea, 2 cilantro (surprisingly) and about 20 garlic survive.
This year have so far planted peas, swiss chard, kale, romaine, baby bib lettuce, orange and red bell peppers, tomatoes, shallots, yellow onions, purple onions, cabbage, broccoli, curly spinach, flat leaf spinach, mustard greens, watermelons, bush and pole beans, cucumbers, dill, basil, thyme, marigolds (for pests) and nasturiums oh, and added asparagus as well, 3 year old crown.


Made Parisian Daily Baguettes again, much easier this time, made 7 loaves... family loved them, of course. One interesting TIP that he shares is that bakers do not use chlorinated tap water, apparently it changes the flavor and sometimes the texture of the bread. Hmm.

Healthy Living/Organic gardening

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Egg allergies

Eggs are in many, many items that you would not expect. Pretty much all commercially baked goodies, pasta, cereal etc. You have to check labels for dehydrated egg additions... also in lots of sauces, ice creams... you have to double check... which is why a simple diet with lots of fresh veggies, fruit and simply prepared meats makes life much easier with someone who has this kind of allergy. We finally ditched most of the starch carbs for snacks, always eggs or peanut traces in them. The kids adjusted and eat apples, grapes, carrot sticks, broccoli to dip, bell pepper strips... etc for snacks.. it blows me away a bit I think I would have starved myself to death if my mom tried to to do this... Thank God for this grace!
A nice baked potato or rice or quinoa dish is fine... but, steer clear of boxed side dishes eggs are often in the ingredient list even if near the bottom. Have been experimenting with the no eggs pastas... can I just say Yuck! Currently working on perfecting a home recipe... still a work in progress... must say however, my first crappy try was better tasting that the store bought.